Yesterday was Halloween. Here is a list of all the "Trick or Treaters" that came to my door...
three princesses
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. Not sure which one. It was the one who wears the orange eye mask. Michalangelo I think.
kid in a full chicken suit
little kid in just regular clothes with one of those tiny fake handlebar moustaches glued to his face. It should be noted that his 3 college age brothers and his Father came to the door with candy bags as well. They weren't dressed up, but they out-numbered me so I gave them candy too. Jerks.
Three kids in regular street clothes. Looked like they would pummel me so they got candy, even though they weren't dressed up. Again, jerks.
Some sort of fairy
little boy dressed as a lady
kid with regular clothes on, but wearing a skull mask
Some kid's mother dressed as a giant fat naked lady. Disturbing.
the killer from the "Scream" movies
two snotty high school girls that were "too cold to dress up." I gave them candy, but I hope they get cavities.
a kid in regular clothes, holding a fake head
sugar plum fairy
some sort of broken whore doll. I would never call a little kid a whore. This girl was a senior in high school, and was dressed like a whorish doll. Gross.
a medieval something
wizard of some sort
the tiniest superman I've ever seen
darth vader
This is only my second year in Suburbia, so I feel compelled to give out good candy. I don't want to be the new neighbor who is known for giving out like, "maryJanes" or Canadian mints. So I handed out big handfuls of gummy things and blow-pops.
Also, I feel like Halloween is sort of similar to when the mob shows up to your deli and makes you pay for 'protection." I feel like if I give these little jerks candy, they won't steal shit off my lawn or whatever, and won't look the other way if my house is burning down. Maybe. I don't know.