Die You Zombie Bastards! news, straight from the Zombie's gaping mouth-hole...
When last we coyly whispered in your electronic ear: DIE YOU ZOMBIE BASTARDS! enjoyed a SMASHING 4-page "Notes From The Underground" spread in the February issue of FANGORIA. Pick it up SOON if you want it, because it's almost time for the March issue to hit news-stands...
...AND the Zombastic Completists among you will want THAT one as well, since Fangoria just let us know that DYZB! will be featured YET AGAIN, this time in the coveted role of DVD OF THE MONTH!!!!!!!!!!!! Our love for Fangoria is far from unrequited, as, forsooth, it seemeth that THEY love US as well!!!! Who'da thunk? We're blushing. (In case you're wondering, January wasn't a slow month for horror releases on DVD. Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning, Alien vs. Predator and The Hannibal Lechter Collection are just a few that seem to deserve some attention.)
The DVD is, as of January 16th, available all over North America...we've had reports of people on both coasts, in the heartland and in the wilds of Canada picking up our lil ole movie at a video store near them. Warms our oozing Zombastic heart, it does. In case you haven't got it yet, lissin up for this Special Zombastic
Army INSIDER TIP: NEWBURY COMICS is stocking the DVD. So if there's one near you, go get it!
Or get it online (it looks like they've got the LOWEST price of anyone at $11.99 it's a bargain.)
If you're not British, you won't care, but...DYZB!s UK DVD release creepeth EVER NEARER. It's debut from Screamhouse/Odeon Entertainment will be on February 22nd. We suggest you ask for it in your neighborhood video store, pick up a copy, take it to the pub and buy it a pint. Cheerio!
GET THE SOUNDTRACK CD for a measly $5 at
(click on "Merchandise" and you'll find it)
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