Sunday, June 04, 2006

"Let me help you with that, little lady."

I've been to Home Depot countless times in the past...
When I was very young I used to tag along with my father and marvel at how huge the place was, and years later while in art school I used to go quite often for project supplies.

But this time was different...
This time I marched into that orange-branded giant store as a homeowner.

I had no idea where I was going.. I needed sandpaper, wall primer and some paintbrushes, and couldn't find anything. The store is way too big. It's daunting and overwhelming.

After a good 20 mintues of accidently crashing my cart into various things as I steered up and down the isles, I finally found the wall primer. I found a 5 gallon drum of the stuff.

Now, I'm small and really short (and weak), so I had a terrible time trying to heave the five gallon drum into my cart. I must have looked completly hopeless, because some customer came over to me as i was struggling and said...

"Let me help you with that, little lady."

I thought people only spoke like that in movies set in Saloons, but whatever.. he lifted the drum of primer into my cart and saved me from what would have probably resulted in me dislocating my own shoulders.

After wandering around some more I eventually found everything I needed, checked out and left.

It's nice to have the "Home" in "Home Depot" actually apply to me.
I never thought it would.

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