Monday, August 14, 2006

Mister Magoo

My neighbors kitty-corner to my house have a Parrot. It sits on a perch in their screened in porch. I've been looking at this bird for weeks and commenting on how well behaved it is. All day the bird sits quietly on it's perch, never squaking or trying to fly out of the porch. I've been pointing this out to friends when they visit.

Last night I got a better look at it and realized... the parrot is fake. It's one of those fake stuffed birds that you see at tropical themed restaurants and bars in tourist locations.

Perhaps I should wear my glasses more often.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so glad it IS FAKE. A real parrot is too scary for me a bird hater or should I say bird scardy cat!

I fake bird would look good on your fake tropical porch!