Saturday, August 16, 2008

Nervous Breakdown. (also i swear a lot in this post... hi Mom!)

My iPod bought the fucking farm. I did everything i could to try and fix it myself. Nothing worked. It's fucking done.

This would normally be horrible and a bother. But this is made especially horrible by the fact that I'm throwing my big end of Summer BBQ tomorrow and now i have a giant Music Problem. You really can't throw a party without music. Really. Try it... your party will crash and burn.

So I need to get this thing fixed.

There are no available "Genius Bar" appointments until Monday. Great. I use my Ipod roughly 4 hours a day. I NEED this thing. Even if i wasn't having a BBQ tomorrow, I would still be freaking out... but probably not as much. Sure, i have a record player, but I can't be flipping records all afternoon while grilling burgers and dogs.

Luckily, my friend Myk is going to come by early tomorrow, load my BBQ playlist onto his iPod and save the fucking day.

Alright, now I gotta go buy a mattress... tax free holiday. whooo.

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